


Optional: Download and install Decal

Decal v2.9.8.3


  • Right click the installer and run as admin.
  • Do not change the default install path!
  • If you receive this error message, run the DirectX installer, then try again.
  • Start Decal, and close the pop up that says the client is out of date.
  • Click update in Decal.
  • A red X for the filter "Version 1 plugin surrogate" is normal.
  • If you have all red Xs, go back to step 1 and replace acclient.exe from the zip file.


  • Click add > browse > Program Files (x86) > Thwargle Games
  • Select ThwargFilter.dll and save, as shown below.
  • Enable Decal injection in the bottom right corner of ThwargLauncher.
  • Log in and stay in game for at least 30 seconds before installing any plugins.
  • AC will close with no error message if ThwargFilter.dll has not been added properly.

Recommended Plugins

Optional: 4K Monitor Setup

Go to Properties on aclient.exe, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings. Check Program DPI. Login game and change resolution to 2560x1440.

*Decal installation required *Mag-Tools required *Mag-Filter required

Finding a Server

To begin playing, you'll want to choose a server with a good player population, however not all servers provide the same experience. There are many servers attempting recreate content that matches "End-of-Retail" (or EoR) as closely as possible, while others add custom content or mechanics.

The two main emulators are AC Emulator and GDLEnhanced. While both aim to recreate the experience of retail Asheron's Call as of the final May 2015 patch, they differ in what content is currently available. You'll want to pay attention to which emulator your chosen server is running, as they have different communities, bug reporting mechanisms, and other differences.

AC Emulator

No items.


No items.

Common Issues

Quick Links

  • Asheron's Call Installer